Food Education
Empowering Informed and Sustainable Choices
Last updated
Empowering Informed and Sustainable Choices
Last updated
What is the Challenge?
The Food Education Challenge seeks to bridge gaps in understanding about food origins, nutrition, environmental impact, and ethical considerations. This challenge addresses misinformation, lack of access to knowledge, and systemic inequalities in education.
Highlights actionable interventions to address the food education challenges.
Features impactful initiatives driving progress in food education.
Defines short-term goals and long-term aspirations for transformative change.
Invites stakeholders to engage in reshaping food education at all levels.
Offers tools, reports, and updates for ongoing learning and action.
Details ways to connect, contribute, and partner with Open Food Lab.
Outlines the context, challenges, and opportunities shaping food education globally.
Maps the interconnected systems influencing food education and identifies key leverage points.
Summarizes eight critical aspects of the Food Education Challenge and their interventions.